Bulb Recycling

Bulbs should be changed and handled by Facilities Operations personnel. Facilities Operations personnel should place used bulbs in a cardboard box that is in good condition and free from holes. The box should be taped shut and labeled as “Spent Mercury-Containing bulbs”, dated then transported to an EHS approved Universal Waste storage area on campus.

UCF EHS is equipped to handle and dispose of hazardous waste from academic activities. For household bulb and mercury-containing lamps recycling contact the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or your local county landfill for disposal or recycling options.

Orange County Household Hazardous Waste

Seminole County Household Hazardous Waste.

Seminole County residents

Contact for pickup of UCF business-related, non-facility, used bulbs.

Aaron Young
Environmental Compliance Officer

Orion Blevins
Environmental Specialist