Latest News And Announcements

Lab Coat Dispensers Now on Main Campus and Lake Nona
Lab coat dispensers and drop off machines are now available in Research 1, Engineering 2, Physical Sciences Building and BSBS at Lake Nona. Students, Staff and Faculty attached to a...
Ergonomics for Working Remotely
Working remotely during this pandemic brings significant challenges. Finding a correct ergonomic set-up at home to do computer work for 8 hours (or more) per day is a challenge, but...
Can a Mask Protect Me? Putting Homemade Masks in the Hierarchy of Controls
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
Please see the following links for information regarding the Novel Coronavirus.
Building Code Office has Moved
Please be advised that The Building Code Office has moved to the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Click HERE to access their new site. Please contact Ning Li or Stephanie Coleman with...
Risk Management has Moved
Please be advised that Risk Management and Insurance has moved to the University Compliance, Ethics, and Risk Office. Please contact Olivia Escalona or Carmen Brache with any questions.
New Construction Costs SOP
A new Standard Operating Procedure has been created for all UCF vendors, contractors and their subcontractors working on university-owned spaces, please download the new Construction Costs SOP.
Fire Safety
Hot Work Permit Updates
Please be advised that revisions have been made to the Hot Work Permit. Please contact Diana Smith, or (407) 823-0324 if you have any questions or concerns. 1 of 1 pages