Laser Safety

Lasers have become an important research tool in many research facilities, especially in higher education. If improperly used or controlled, lasers can cause severe injuries to operators or others, and/or damage property. Laser related injuries include blindness, burns, and electrocution. Laser related risks can be beam and non-beam hazards and property damages can come from fire or chemical spills.

The University of Central Florida, Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has envisioned a safe working and learning environment for all faculty, staff, researchers, students, and visitors.

EHS also seeks to reflect the guidelines and standards set forth by federal and state regulators: the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Committee Z-136; regulation of lasers in Florida is upheld by the State of Florida’s Laser Safety Program regulations, administered by the Florida Department of Health (FDOH), found in the Florida Administrative Code (FAC), Chapter 64E-4, Control of Non-ionizing Radiation Hazards; Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 1040.10; and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards.

Laser Inspections

In order to ensure compliance, inspections will occur on an annual frequency.


Currently, this is a one-time training. If PIs want their students to take an annual refresher, updated questions can be formed to meet the safety needs of the lab.

Yes, every class 3B and 4 lasers must have an accompanying SOP.

Sample Laser SOP Template

Contact the Laser Safety Coordinator and we will provide you with a DH 1605 form and mail it to the Florida Department of Health for you. We also ask that you update your laser inventory for the institution. Laser Inventory Spreadsheet

Annually or anytime a change (addition, deletion or relocation) has been made. Laser Inventory Spreadsheet

Contact or call (407) 823-6300. EHS will reach out to other laser users and vendors to see if we can find you an economical solution.

Laser Safety Training is offered online for students and lab workers. The department and Principal Investigator may require additional safety and procedural training.

PIs must take the Safety Training for PIs course, EHS205. In this course, laser safety will be covered. PIs may take the online training provided by EHS if they want to see the training their lab workers are receiving.

Contact to find out if your device has been registered. If it has not, EHS can initiate this process.

Yes, relocation of a laser requires an updated DH1605 registration with the Florida Department of Health. Complete an LS-1 Laser Registration Worksheet  and send to