Sealed Source Program
Sealed sources are radioactive material enclosed in an impervious container. The source is designed to contain the radioactive material under normal operating conditions and usually has a high concentration of radioactive material in a small volume.
There are many uses for sealed sources, such as those seen in equipment like nuclear density gauges, gas chromatographs, and some liquid scintillation counters. Appropriate shielding and use minimize health risks from these radioactive sources. At the University of Central Florida, there are both generally and specifically licensed material as per Chapter 64E-5.303 of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.).
Prior to acquiring any sealed source, the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) shall be notified about the isotope, initial activity, and any additional specifications of the sealed source and equipment in which the source is housed. Transfers returns to manufacturers, and disposals must be coordinated through EHS.
Radiation Safety Contacts
Mario De Vera
Radiation Safety Officer
(407) 823-0476